Contact us / Imprint

Company headquarters and operator of the website according to the EGG (E-commerce regulation) and the Telemediengesetzes (Telemedia regulation):

Leagues GmbH
Tomphecke 40
41169 Mönchengladbach

Fon: +49 2161 189 700
Fax: +49 2161 189 602


Represented by the managing director:

Udo Mahler
Tomphecke 40
41169 Mönchengladbach

Fon: +49 2161 189 700
Fax: +49 2161 189 602

Registered in the trade register:

Amtsgericht Mönchengladbach, HRB 15116

Ust-ID Nr: DE 284 243 689

Editorial responsibility according to §6 Medienstaatsvertrag (State Treaty on Media):

Udo Mahler
Tomphecke 40
41169 Mönchengladbach

Fon: +49 2161 189 700
Fax: +49 2161 189 602